This Chanel ad demonstrates good use of contrast. The first place that your eyes focus is the large black purse which is perfect because it is the item being advertised. Then you notice the sunglasses, bracelets and large ring, all of which are black. The use of white everywhere else really makes these elements bold and noticeable.
PROPORTION-Christian Louboutin
I thought this ad was really awesome. It has extremely interesting proportion. The shoes are most definitely the dominant feature, and then you see the crushed cars. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I loved the size relationship between the shoes and cars.
I think they're both GREAT pictures and you hit the nail on the head! :)
ReplyDeleteI love both ads. I especially like the second one. I think that it is simple but grabs the reader's attention in a postive way.
ReplyDeleteI definately agree with your opinion on the first advertisment. I love how the Chanel products stand out because of the stark contrast.
ReplyDeleteWell I think you did just a lovely job on this assignment. Kudos!